Hardware Oriented

Hardware systems like Arduino, when combined with programming environments, open up a whole new realm of opportunities. Through our hardware-oriented robotics training in Delhi, we educate school students, engineering students, tinkerers and hobbyists who want to acquire electronics, robotics, and embedded systems-related knowledge.

Enter the world of electronics and programming by learning the ins and outs of Arduino. A hands-on experience on this microcontroller gives you an edge if you want to make a career as an electronics engineer, hardware engineer, technologist, embedded software engineer, or a software architect.

The course begins with basic circuit building and gradually proceeds to the building and working of the robots

Raspberry is a miniature credit card sized piece of circuit board. Become a maven of physical computing by enrolling in our Raspberry Pi course. Build complex systems and robots that efficiently respond to the analog world using the world’s smallest computer (Raspberry Pi). From working as an embedded systems engineer to creating your own engineering marvels, there are a lot of things one can achieve after learning about the possible applications of Raspberry Pi.

From aerial imagery to surveying & mapping, there are countless applications of drones. Drones are basically unmanned devices that can be controlled remotely using hand held remote controllers or smart phones. They have a microcontroller that can be used to control the rotors that drive the drone in air to either move forward or backward or simply perform flips in air.

Drones are now commonplace and can be used to teach students about aero modeling and they can also be reprogrammed to perform varied tasks. Students can also learn about hardware boards and programming through these drones.

Tetrix is a robotics building system by Pitsco that consists of aluminium elements and powerful drive motors. It uses the brain of Lego NXT to control a variety of servomotors and sensors that can be used to perform specific tasks. It is beneficial for those who are already acquainted with the basics of robotics. Even the novices in this domain can learn the Tetrix to build versatile robots.

For more details or visit the website of the respective competitions!